Our family motto is:
See the good in all things
So with the spirit of staying true to our motto, I'd like to present the top 10 great things about un(der)employment:
10. Thanks to our current administration, we feel rich, even though we should feel poor
9. Affordable health insurance for our children (who can beat $25/month for four children!)
8. Day time dates with Dean
7. Finding jobs from my computer at my kitchen table, watching the gopher make holes in our backyard
6. Spending lots of time with our kids
5. Finding cheap entertainment (We do fun things that we wouldn't have thought of doing when we had money rolling in)
4. More time with friends
3. An increased reliance on spiritual things
2. An increase of gratitude for every little thing
1. An endless feeling of hope and optimism. Anything and everything is possible when looking at a blank piece of paper.
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